Бизнес Хөгжил Сурталчилгааны академи

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Цаг хугацаа богино 
Хийх ажил их

Амжилтанд хүрэх чадвартай хүн түүнийгээ зоригтой амлаж чадаг бол Харин явцуу сэтгэгч амжилтанд хүрэхийг хүсч мөрөөдсөөр байдаг. 

Нэг л зүйлээ давтан хийсээр байгаа мөртлөө өөр өөр 
үр дүнг хүлээх нь хамгийн том алдаа.

Амьдрал бүтээлч хүнийг шагнадаг.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

‎Зар сурталчилгааны сэтгэл зүй ба далд сурталчилгаа‬

Хүмүүс яагаад тамхи, архи, эм, кола, чипсийг эрүүл мэндэд хортой гэдгийг мэдсээр байж худалдан авсаар, борлуулалт өссөөр, зах зээл дээр оршин байсаар бүр шинэ шинэ төрлүүд гарсаар байдаг вэ?
Рекламны түүхэнд далд хэлбэрийн сурталчилгааг ашиглаж эхэлсэн нь энэ мэт бүтээгдэхүүнийг оршин амьдрах үүд хаалгыг нээсэн гэхэд болно.
Заримдаа хүн өөрөө ч мэдэлгүй төрөлхийн далд ухамсраараа аливаа сурталчилгааны мэдээллийг хүлээж авдаг.
"Бид салбартаа тэргүүлэгч " гэсэн текст хүний оюун ухаанд яг тэр чигээрээ тийм юм байна гэсэн ойлголтоор хоногшдог.
Тэгвэл тамхин дээр жишээ татъя: " Тамхи таны амьдралын дайсан, үр удмыг сөнөөнө" гэгчлэн сөрөг талаас нь асар муухай, жигшмээр байдлаар ухуулсан уриа, зурагт хуудас байдаг ч хэрэглэгч түүнийг хараад "аан нээрээн тийм л дээ, яасан муухай юм бэ, ер нь гарнаа" гэж тэрхэн зуур бодох боловч хэзээч орхиж чаддаггүй бөгөөд эмэгтэйчүүд гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүн сонгодог шиг л нэртэй брэнд, чанартайг нь хайсаар л байдаг.
Яагаад тэр тамхи болгон дээр байдаг сөрөг мэдээлэл үр дүнгээ өгөхгүй байна вэ?
Мэдээж өгөхгүй. Учир нь тэр бол хүний далд ухамсарт нөлөөхийг оролдож, өдөөж байдаг ‪#‎ДАЛД_СУРТАЛЧИЛГААНЫ_ХЭЛБЭР‬ юм.
"Нэгэн жишээ татахад өвөө маань 1930-аад оны хүн.15 настайгаасаа эхлэн 40 гартлаа тамхи татсан.Нэг л өдөр би тамхинаас гарлаа гэж хэлээд 83 насалтлаа түүнээс хойш 1 ширхэг ч тамхи татаагүй юмдаа. Үүнээс харахад тамхи бол зүгээр л таны ухамсар, сэтгэл зүйн хувьд ямар ч нөлөөнд автахааргүй ‪#‎дархан‬ байх тухай асуудал"
Жич: Үүгээр бид тамхийг сурталчлах гэсэнгүй.Харин худалдаачид, үйлдвэрлэгчид, рекламистууд ийм хэлбэрийн сурталчилгаар дамжуулан таны сэтгэл зүйд нөлөөлсөөр байдгийг ойлгуулахыг хүслээ.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Монголд бүр цаашлаад Ази, дэлхийн хэмжээнд хэдэн зуун сая үйлдвэрлэгч, бизнес, маркетинг, реклам, үзэл санаа, контентууд ар араасаа мэндлэн өөр хоорондоо зах зээлээ эзлэн авахын тулд тулалдаж, өрсөлдөж байна.
Та өөрийн бизнесээ өргөжүүлж, үйл ажиллагаагаа тэлж томруулахын тулд юу хийдэг вэ?
Тэгвэл та хүссэн үр дүндээ хүрч чадаж байна уу?
Хамгийн энгийнээр
Таны бизнес бусдаас юугаараа ялгаатай вэ?, юугаараа онцлог вэ?

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Дэлхий дээр идэвхитэй явагдаж буй 130 гаруй ‪Маркетингийн төрлүүдээс‬:

• Account-based Marketing
• Affiliate Marketing
• Affinity Marketing
• Agricultural Marketing
• Alliance Marketing
• Ambush Marketing
• Analytical Marketing
• Article Marketing
• B2B Marketing
• B2C Marketing
• B2P Marketing
• Behavioral Marketing
• Blackhat Marketing
• Brand Marketing
• Brick and Mortar Marketing
• Buzz Marketing
• Call Center Marketing
• Campus Marketing
• Catalog Marketing
• Cause Marketing
• Celebrity Marketing
• Channel Marketing
• Close Range Marketing
• Closed Loop Marketing
• Cloud Marketing
• Communal Marketing
• Community Marketing
• Computational Marketing
• Consumer-Generated Marketing
• Content Marketing
• Contextual Marketing
• Conversion Rate Marketing
• Cooperative Marketing
• Corporate Marketing
• Cross-Media Marketing
• Database Marketing
• Defensive Marketing
• Direct Marketing
• Direct Mail Marketing
• Disruptive Marketing
• Diversity Marketing
• Drip Marketing
• Ecommerce Marketing
• Email Marketing
• Entrepreneurial Marketing
• Ethical Marketing
• Evangelism Marketing
• Event Marketing
• Expeditionary Marketing
• Facebook Marketing
• Field Marketing
• Flanking Marketing
• Geomarketing
• Global Marketing
• Green Marketing
• Guerrilla Marketing
• Horizontal Marketing
• Inbound Marketing
• Industrial Marketing
• Influencer Marketing
• Informational Marketing
• In-game Marketing
• Integrated Marketing
• Interactive Marketing
• Internet Marketing
• Internal Marketing
• International Marketing
• Left-brain Marketing
• Local Marketing
• Long Tail Marketing
• Loyalty Marketing
• Megamarketing
• Mobile Marketing
• Multichannel Marketing
• Multi-level Marketing
• Neuromarketing
• Newsletter Marketing
• Next-Best-Action Marketing
• Niche Marketing
• Non-traditional Marketing
• Offensive Marketing
• Offline Marketing
• One-to-one Marketing
• Outbound Marketing
• Outdoor Marketing
• Pay-per-click Marketing
• Performance Marketing
• Permission Marketing
• Personalized Marketing
• Persuasion Marketing
• Point of Sale Marketing
• Post Click Marketing
• Precision Marketing
• Product Marketing
• Promotional Marketing
• Proximity Marketing
• Pull Marketing
• Push Marketing
• Real-time Marketing
• Referral Marketing
• Relationship Marketing
• Remarketing
• Reply Marketing
• Reverse Marketing
• Scientific Marketing
• Search Marketing
• Self Marketing
• Services Marketing
• Shopper Marketing
• Shotgun Marketing
• Social Marketing
• Sports Marketing
• Stealth Marketing
• Street Marketing
• Targeted Marketing
• Technical Marketing
• Telemarketing
• Time Marketing
• Trade Show Marketing
• Traditional Marketing
• Undercover Marketing
• User-generated Marketing
• Vertical Marketing
• Viral Marketing
• Web Marketing
• Word-of-mouth Marketing
• Youth Marketing

Thursday, July 21, 2016


The End of Business as Usual: Rewire the Way You Work to Succeed in the Consumer Revolution is a bestselling book by digital analyst and author Brian Solis. Wikipedia
Originally publishedOctober 2011
Page count320

Counter to traditional marketing wisdom which tries to count, measure and manipulate the spread of information, bestselling author Seth Godin argues that the information can spread most effectively from ...Google Books
Gonzo Marketing is a knuckle-whitening ride to the place where social criticism, biting satire, and serious commerce meet... and where the outdated ideals of mass marketing and broadcast media are being left in the dust. ... Google Books
GenresEconomics, Business

At first glance, companies like Apple and Nike have little in common with organizations like the Hell's Angels and the Unification Church. ...Google Books

You. That's Right. YOU. You've got a problem. You've got a product that's not first in its class. It's not even second. You've got to find a way to market that product. What Are You Going To Do? You're going to read this book, that's what. ... Google Books

Winner of a Choice Magazine Outstanding Academic Title Award! We are on the cusp of a marketing revolution. And it is being led by you. ...Google Books

Originally publishedJanuary 1, 2012

For Marketing Management/Strategy courses. Search Engine Marketing, Inc. is a step-by-step guide to setting up and managing a search marketing program, with best practices and tips from two of the world's premier experts. Google Books

Engage!: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web is a bestselling book by speaker, digital analyst, and author Brian Solis. Wikipedia
Originally publishedMarch 8, 2010
Page count400
Marketing has a greater purpose, and marketers, a higher calling, than simply selling more widgets, according to John Quelch and Katherine Jocz.In Greater Good, the authors contend that marketing performs ...Google Books
GenresBusiness, Non-fiction

In Search of Stupidity is National Lampoon meets Peter Drucker. It's a funny and well-written business book that takes a look at some of the most influential marketing and business philosophies of the ...Google Books

Originally publishedJuly 8, 2003

Sergio Zyman - aka Aya-cola - had the dubious distinction of launching New Coke - one of the best documented and most spectacular marketing failures. ... Google Books
Ivan R. Misner shows how to build a dynamic, thriving business using the oldest and most effective marketing strategy ever devised--word-of-mouth advertising. ... Google Books

First published to media acclaim in October 2003, Trading Up revealed how todayÂ's middle-class consumers are seeking higher levels of quality, taste, and aspiration than had ever been possible before—in ...Google Books
Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, Ph.D., are the founding partners of Peppers & Rogers Group, the world's most respected management consulting firm concentrating on customer issues, now a division of Carlson Marketing Group, Inc.. ... Google Books


"The" benchmark guide to marketing and PR, updated with the latest social media and marketing trends, tools, and real-world examples of success "The New Rules of Marketing & PR, 4th Edition" is the ...Google Books
Originally publishedJune 4, 2007
Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers or simply Crossing the Chasm, is a marketing book by Geoffrey A. Moore that focuses on the specifics of marketing ...Wikipedia
Page count227

Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers or simply Crossing the Chasm, is a marketing book by Geoffrey A. Moore that focuses on the specifics of marketing ...Wikipedia
Page count227

All Marketers Are Liars: The Power of Telling Authentic Stories in a Low Trust World is the seventh published book by Seth Godin, and the third in a series of books on 21st century marketing, following Purple Cow and Free Prize Inside. Wikipedia
Originally publishedMay 19, 2005
GenresMarketing, Business, Non-fiction

Why are some products and ideas talked about more than others? Why do some articles make the most emailed list? Why do some YouTube videos go viral? Word-of-mouth. ... Google Books
Originally publishedMarch 5, 2013

Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator is the bestselling book by marketer, public relations director, and media strategist Ryan Holiday. Wikipedia
Originally publishedJuly 19, 2012

Scientific Advertising is a book written by Claude C Hopkins in 1923 and is cited by many advertising and marketing personalities as a "must-read" book. According to Paul Feldwick, it has sold over eight million copies. Wikipedia
Introduces Persuasion Architecture (PA) as the synthetic model that provides bus. with a proven context for rethinking customers & retooling marketers in a rewired market. ... Google Books
What's the Future of Business?: Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences is a marketing and business book by speaker, digital analyst, and author Brian Solis. Wikipedia
Originally publishedMarch 11, 2013
Page count224